February 8, 2017

State Treasurer Curtis Loftis Awards Student $529 Towards Future Scholar 529 College Savings Plan

Columbia, SC - Treasurer Curtis Loftis, South Carolina’s Future Scholar 529 College Savings Plan, and SC Economics have partnered with leading education technology company EverFi, Inc., to bring a privately funded, interactive, web-based financial management program to every elementary school across South Carolina at no cost to taxpayers. This web-based program focuses on budgeting, career planning, saving, and investing through 3D gaming, animations, and video.

The Future Scholar Financial Literacy Program was launched in 2015 and brings critical financial education to students across the state.  More than 9,300 students have already benefited from the Future Scholar Financial Literacy program in the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years. The results: students’ financial knowledge increased by an average of 36% after completing the course, based on pre- and post-assessment data collected in the 2015-2016 academic year.

Students who complete the Future Scholar Financial Literacy Program now have the opportunity to share what they learned from the program in the annual blog contest that runs from February 1st until April 1st.  Students answer one of the following questions for a chance to win:

  • How has the Future Scholar Financial Literacy Program had an impact on your life and the decisions that you will make moving forward?
  • What are your dreams for the future (college, travel, volunteering, pursuing your dream job)?
  • How has the Future Scholar Financial Literacy Program helped prepare you to achieve those goals?
  • Tell us about a financial mistake that you, or someone you know, has made.
  • How would you change your actions based on what you now know through the Future Scholar Financial Literacy Program?

“We are thrilled to offer $529 to the winner to put toward his or her college education,” said Treasurer Loftis. “This is a chance for children to share their dreams for the future and how the Future Scholar Financial Literacy Program has personally helped them understand important financial tools. I hope this program continues to be a valuable asset in financial education for South Carolina’s youth.

The first place winner will be selected from the blog submissions and receive $529 towards a Future Scholar 529 College Savings Plans and a prize pack. Entries will be judged based on the content of message, the quality of writing, and originality.

In the 2015-2016 school year, a student from Campobello-Gramling Elementary School in Spartanburg District 1 said, “This program has impacted me in many ways. For instance, I now know how to save and spend money wisely. This program showed me the difference between a need and want. If I want something, but I need something, I will get the ‘need’ - and I may have some more money left over for a ‘want.’”

For further details on the blog contest and to enter, visit http://info.everfi.com/FutureScholarBlogContest.html. For more information on how your school can get started using the Future Scholar Financial Literacy Program, go to http://scfuturescholar.everfi.com/. For more information on the 529 Savings Plan, visit futurescholar.com, treasurer.sc.gov, or follow on Facebook: @SCStateTreasurer.